About Us

GNCE are Consulting Engineers based in Dublin 2. Service is based on Glenn Nunan’s and Terence Sweeney’s extensive experience and reputation built over many years in the Construction Industry, offering both Mechanical/Electrical & Structural/Civil Engineering Services.

GNCE's Design Strategy is based on our extensive experience and reputation built over many years in the Construction Industry. All of our projects incorporate low energy technologies, when combined with high performing building fabrics, result in an inherently low energy use building.

We apply the technology in an appropriate manner based on sound engineering. A building is not a single part but the sum of all the parts which achieves the desired total. This is a very important part of the design approach.

As a designer, everybody on the project has to work together to make the building as a system, work successfully.

Our methodology consists of 5 steps as follows:

1. Preliminary – Discuss brief with Client and Architect so that all aspects of the project are outlined from the start.

2. Concept Design – After discussions with the Client and Architect, the concepts are put on paper which display the different innovative, low-energy options available.

3. Tender Design – Drawings and documents are created for issue to various sub-contractors for pricing purposes. On receipt of these prices, a thorough analysis is prepared and then reviewed and discussed with the client.

4. Construction Monitoring – Work has begun on site and so the involvement with meetings and inspections for the compliance of BCAR is undertaken. Procurement submittals are processed and issued to the client for review and any issues on site are dealt with.

5. Construction Handover – In this final step, all final certificates are collected and inspected for the final project documentation. Compliance with BCAR is upheld through final inspections and handover to the client completes the project.

With our experienced staff, GNCE has the necessary Technical and Computer Modelling resources to handle the most complex of projects.

We have expertise using the following Building Information Modelling (BIM) software tools: Revit, MagiCAD, iSBEM and Autodesk MEP to manage the construction and provide models to allow informed decisions to be made.

Our Team

Some information about the key personnel at GNCE.

Glenn Nunan

A chartered engineer with over 30 years experience covering a broad spectrum of roles and responsibilities in the construction industry. Principal of Glenn Nunan Consulting Engineers (GNCE) since early 2010 offering a range of mechanical, electrical & related services on medical, institutional, leisure & low energy projects.

An area of particular interest has been the provision of Expert Witness & Legal Dispute Advice Services which have been provided on some high profile Conciliations & Arbitrations in addition to expert reports being provided and expert evidence given under cross examination in the High Court.

Visit Glenn’s LinkedIn

Terence Sweeney

A Structural & Civil Engineer with nearly 50 years experience, Terry started his career with E G Pettit & Co., consulting engineers before working in the petrochemical and mining industries in London and Zambia.

Since 1982 he has been in private structural & civil engineering practices in Dublin dealing with projects in the residential, industrial and commercial sectors.

Ignatious Masukusa

Ignatious is an Electrical Services Engineer with over 28 years experience in electrical engineering and energy management. He graduated from he University of Wales in 2010 with a Technician Diploma in Energy Management.

Experienced Energy Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the renewables and environment industry. Skilled in AutoCAD, Renewable Energy Systems, Energy System Audits, Computer-Aided Design (CAD), and Engineering.

Manus Sweeney

Building Services Technician with more than 20 years professional experience working at various levels and across a wide range of disciplines within the construction industry.

A focus on the progression of technology has left him skilled with many types of computer software. These include: Autodesk Revit MEP, Autodesk AutoCAD MEP, iSBEM, Dialux Evo, Adobe Creative Suite, Power BI Desktop and many more.